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Alnoor Ladha defines 'post-capitalist' as a vision and movement beyond the constraints and inequities of contemporary capitalism. For Ladha, post-capitalism is both a critique of the existing economic system and a call to imagine and create new forms of social, political, and economic organization that prioritize ecological sustainability, social justice, and collective well-being. It entails dismantling the structures of endless growth, profit maximization, and exploitation that characterize capitalism, replacing them with systems grounded in cooperation, reciprocity, and the commons. This paradigm shift necessitates an emphasis on community-led governance, solidarity economies, and regenerative practices that restore and harmonize human relations with the planet. Ultimately, he sees post-capitalism as a radical reimagining of society where economies serve the needs of all beings and the Earth, rather than a privileged few.

See also: post capitalism, neoliberal capitalism, capitalist system, late-stage capitalism

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Aly Khan & Alnoor Ladha of Brave Earth: Building Community 76

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